Monday, December 22, 2008

Pavlovs dog?

Before the next time you swallow a pill take a minute and ask yourself do I really need this or have a just been programmed to take something every time I feel some sort of symptom? Most people are conditioned to believe that "relief is just a swallow away." They think that health is a state that can be bought rather than sought.

These folks never stop to read the label that says for "For fast, TEMPORARY relief" or the label that says "discontinue use if symptoms do not improve in 7-10 days." Most people will continue to take these pills indefinitely and wait until the side effects if whatever it is they are taking tears up some other part of their body.

I recently had a patient tell me that she has been taking 2 tylenol a day 3-4 days a week for the last 30 years for headaches!!! That adds up to over 5000 tylenol!! This is sickening considering the following excerpt for the New England Journal of Medicine -

"For those who took more than 1000 pills containing acetaminophen in their lifetime (compared to those who took fewer than 1000 acetaminophen-containing tablets), their increased risk of end-stage renal (kidney) disease was 100%. For some, the increased risk of end-stage renal disease was as high as 220%."

I determined that this patient's headaches were due to trigger points in the muscles on her neck and subluxations in her spine. 10 days after beginning treament she was symptom free. If only she had known earlier the effect that chiropractic can have on headaches she would have avoided the irreparable damage that she has done to her body.

If you or someone you love and care about suffers from Headaches please call Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center at 910-395-5066 to find out if you can be helped too.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Finish Strong, Start Strong!

As the calender gets closer to the end of 2008 there is still much to do and much to look forward to! The Holidays are coming soon bringing time with family, football, good food, and hopefully time to relax. 
This time of year is also a great time to get a jump on the new year and begin your goals now. "Goals for the New Year, already?" you may ask, "The year's not even through yet."
I know there is still a few weeks left of 2008, and I know that I am programmed like most others and that means I will put something off for a few weeks if I am given the chance. 

Think back to the beginning of 2008, and actually the beginning of anyprevious year and remember how you felt then. You were optimistic for a New Year, a new beginning and fresh start. You had huge dreams and goals and unlimited potential. Maybe there were goals to exercise more, eat healthier, cut back smoking, or finding more time for some rest or time to use your talents. But what happened? You got a good start and you felt fantastic for the first little while as you were completing your goals. But life is busy and we get distracted. And before long our goals become wishes then are forgotten until the next year. Well now is a great chance to get started early!

Getting started early has some great advantages. It gives extra time for false starts and do-overs. An extra 6 weeks gives procrastinators time to actually start. You can start practicing now, remember repetition is the mother of learning. The more you do a certain action the stronger the neural pathways in your brain become making it easier to do that action. Practice makes perfect.

Get excited about the things you want to accomplish! The human body is amazing at healing, strengthening and adapting, it wants to be active, so there is an incredible potential for health! The brain, and even more the mind of a person has unlimited potential! Set your mind to something, focus and your will be able to achieve. 

The only difference between a dream and a goal is that a goal has a deadline.
So get started early. Write down what you would like to accomplish, for example: Lose 5 Pounds, decrease you cholesterol or heart rate, eat healthier, run longer, swim faster, walk further, stop smoking, get more sleep, practice talents, or learn something new. Once you have it written down your dream is now a goal.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Phillies Pitcher Touts Chiropractic's Benefits

A feature artcle in the Philadelphia Daily News recently brought more natiaonl attention to teh regular use of chiropractic by Philadelphia Phillies Starting pitcher Cole Hamels, who led the team to its first world series appearance since 1993.

"I felt a difference right off the bat. A lot better than my physical therapy and prescription drugs the doctors were giving me," Hamels said of chiropractic during an interview with the daily news.

In late 2007, Hamels told reprters that his trip to the disabled list with a strained left elbow could have been prevented if he had access to reguklar chiropractic vistis. At the time, Hamels visited a chiropractor twice a week when home in Philadelphia, but chiropractic was unavailable during away games.

The Daily News reprted that in addtion to chiropractic, Hamels relies on yoga, massage, nutritional supplements such as fish oil, and Active Release Technique.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Are you still drinking diet soda?

If so, you are choosing to consume one of the most controversial food additives approved by the FDA despite the overwhelming evidence of harm that it can produce in the body.

Yes, Aspartamine (Nutrasweet, Equal) is used in over 4000 products worldwide...not just in most of our diet pops! Experiments have demonstrated a direct correlation between the amount consumed and the incidence of tumors in the body.

Aspartame contains methanol, which breaks down into formaldehyde and formic Acid...both of which are toxic. In fact, formaldehyde has been shown to cause accumulative damage to our DNA. Another component of aspartamine is aspartic acid. Aspartate is referred to as an "excitotoxin" due to the nerve cell damage that it causes. Multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, epilepsy and ALS are just a few of the chronic illnesses linked to this toxic substance.

I would strongly think twice about consuming those products containing artificial sweetners particularily, Aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal).

Does anyone have a story related to their use of Aspartame that they would like to share?

Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Healthy School Lunches?

Most parents today understand the importance of feeding their children healthy food but more often than not fail to do so due to the convenience of of fast food. This is another topic in and of itself. The issue today is what are the schools feeding our kids?

The answer.........

Pizza, cheeseburgers, sloppy joes, hot dogs, corn dog, french fries, fried chicken, and all of this is washed down with sugared-up fruit juices or even worse, soda. Even when options like salads and vegetable are offered the children usually gravitate towards the fatty or sugar laden foods.

What do mom and dad usually pack with their child's lunch?

The answer....

HoHo's, DingDongs, potato chips, candy bars, little debbie's cakes, and other "treats" that ultimately contribute to the demise of their child's health in the long run. Think of the last time you ate a bunch of junk food for lunch.... You probably got hyper for a little while and then you crashed for the rest of the afternoon.

Could this be why teachers are having difficulty controlling their classes? Imagine being in a room of 30 sugar-high kids and trying to get them to learn. This is the struggle going on in the class rooms everyday which is contributing to the increase in diagnosis of ADD/ADHD. Many studies have been done linking ADD/ADHD to nutritional issues.

So what can we do about this?

Parents need to take action!! These are YOUR kids and YOU are responsible for their health, end of story. Parents need to educate their children at home about proper nutritional choices and empower them to do the right thing.

The schools need to remove the soda and candy machines. We are allowing people to take advantage of our children for financial gain the the very place that they should be the safest. This is an absolute disgrace and poor reflection of this country's commitment to the next generation. Schools need to abandon all junk foods from their menus which, in my opinion as well as other prominent researchers, would eliminate many of the behavioral issues that have been affecting kids today.

The bottom line is that everyone needs to do their part and get healthier themselves. By setting a better example we can lead the next generation to make better choices and start reversing the downward trend that the American health care system has been experiencing.

For more information please visit Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center or call 910-395-5066.

Your for Better Health.

Dr. Dave

Friday, October 24, 2008

Doctors Told to Curb Use of Ritalin in Hyperactive Children

According to new British health guidelines, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should be treated with drugs such as Ritalin only in severe cases and never when they are younger than 5.

There is widespread concern that such medication is used too freely to calm hyperactive children. The new policy is that most children with ADHD should instead be offered psychological therapy to improve their behavior, backed up by training to support their parents and teachers.

Up to 3 percent of school-age children in Britain may be affected by ADHD, but only about a third to a quarter of these would qualify as severe cases. The symptoms of ADHD include an inability to concentrate for long periods, hyperactive and restless behavior, and impulsive actions.

The Times Online

Doctors Told to Curb Use of Ritalin in Hyperactive Children

-Dr. Dave

For more information about how Chiropractic may be able to help you or someone you care about please call 910-395-5066 for a Complementary Consultation.

Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blind Man Can See Now

Here is an amazing video about a man who's vision returned following a chiropractic adjustemnt.

-Dr. Dave

For more information about chiropractic go to Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Chiropractic for High Blood Pressure?

Check out this cool video on Good Morning America demonstrating how chiropractic can lower blood pressure in some people. New research is coming out all the time showing the far reaching effects of the chiropractic adjustment on the body.

To determine whether or not chiropractic can help you call 910-395-5066 for a complementary consultation.

Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Asthma Study on Benefits of Chiropractic

Asthma has become a large health concern for children in recent years. Over the past 20 years the incidence of asthma has doubled. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in 1998, approximately 17,299,000 people in the United States, or 6.4% of the population, with cases among very young children up 160%. As reported in the June 16, 1999 issue of JAMA, the CDC also noted that between 1980 and 1994, the number of people self-reporting asthma grew 75%.

In a study conducted in 1996 by the Michigan Chiropractic Council (MCC), a panel of doctors performed an out-come assessment study to test the qualitative and quantitative effectiveness of chiropractic care on children with asthma. The high demand of parents seeking alternative care for pediatric asthma was shown by the overwhelming interest in the study. More than 500 parents called the MCC seeking to get their child involved in the chiropractic study.

The study, which took place during May and June of 1996, examined the chiropractic effectiveness in correcting the cause of asthma in patients from birth to age 17. The average age of the participant was 10 years. "After 30 days of chiropractic health care, patients averaged only one attack, whereas prior to the study they were experiencing more than four attacks," said MCC Dr. Bob Graham, who directed the study.

"Medications, which can be costly, were decreased by nearly 70 percent. Finally, patient satisfaction was rated 8.5 on a scale of 10." More than 70 chiropractors from 62 cities in Michigan studied more than 80 children suffering from asthma.

This study has HUGE implications for asthma sufferers worldwide. Please forward this on to anyone you know who may benefit from this article.

To schedule a complimentary consultation to see if you can be helped by chiropractic call 910-395-5066 and mention this post.

Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Overeating Triggers “Master Switch” of Inflammation in Brain

Scientists are finding that obesity is a complex issue, and as they continue to search for clues to its causes, much focus has been placed on a small but vital region of the brain—the hypothalamus. Referred to as the "head ganglion of the autonomic nervous system" by the great Oxford neurophysiologist Sir Charles Sherrington, this almond-sized region of the brain organizes and controls an immense number of bodily functions such as body temperature, circadian cycles, feelings and moods as well as all motivational states including thirst, hunger and appetite, food intake and the body’s energy balance. However, despite some promising studies and experiments involving the hypothalamus, none yet has produced a breakthrough in the obesity battle—until now. Scientists believe they have discovered a “master switch” of inflammation in the hypothalamus that could not only explain overeating and obesity but the “entire family of modern diseases” induced by them.

This “master switch”—called IKK beta/NF kappa B—is usually dormant, but is triggered by overeating. In lab tests on mice, researchers based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of California, San Diego used “chronic over-nutrition” (essentially a high-fat diet) to turn on the dormant switch. With that master switch turned on, the mice gained weight and became resistant to insulin, which is a hormone that helps convert food into energy and controls blood sugar, and leptin, a hormone involved in regulating appetite. In other mice, the scientists used genetic engineering to turn the switch off. Those mice were “significantly protected” from becoming obese, despite the high-fat diet, the researchers wrote. Although the study was conducted only in mice, the study authors believe the findings will also hold true for humans.

“We discovered a very general disease pathway in the hypothalamus, a structure in the middle part of the brain which functions to regulate appetite, feeding behavior, energy and therefore body-weight balance and metabolic processes,” said Dr. Dongsheng Cai, senior author of the study. “Persistent stimuli from excessive amount of calories can trigger this response before the overt onset of obesity, and this response when induced can promote overeating, contributing to increased levels of caloric overconsumption. So, this process can be like a vicious cycle.”

“The brain is receiving more and more attention from the field…but nobody knows whether and how the hypothalamus could be responsible for the increasing occurrence of energy imbalance and obesity under today’s environment typical of over-nutrition,” Dr. Cai explained. “The first important thing to understand is how the dysregulation of the brain is processed. The study we just did provides a new pathway. It’s the opening of a new direction.”

Dr. Cai said this “pathway” could possibly be used in anti-obesity drugs. “The ultimate goal will certainly be to identify a selective and effective suppressor of the pathway to target related neurons.”

The study findings were published in the October 3 issue of Cell.

To find out more about how inflammation may be impacting your health and what you can do about it give us a call at 910-395-5066 or check out our website at Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fish Oil Proven More Effective than Ritalin for ADHD

The behavior of children in a recent study vastly improved when they were given 6 capsules of fish oil per day, even more than children being prescribed Ritalin. Restlessness and school performance improved significantly from omega-3 supplementation and concentration improved by 33%! Even after 30 weeks of taking fish oil supplements, the children continued to show increasing improvements, suggesting that taking fish oil even longer would have had even greater benefits.

This is great news because fish oil does not have any of the negative side effects that Ritalin does, including insomnia, suicidal thoughts, personality changes and heart disease. Ritalin has even been cited as the cause of strokes and heart attacks that have killed several children. Hopefully this fish oil news will serve to reverse the ongoing medicated-children epidemic, as there are 330,000 new prescriptions for ADHD drugs every year!

Your body has a wonderful pharmacy inside of it and given the right tools it can, more often than not, heal itself. Given the terrible side effects associated with Ritalin I wonder if parents were truly informed about it if they would continue to chemically lobotomize their children. Ritalin is classified as an amphetamine, a Class II controlled substance putting it in the same category as cocaine. There are many natural alternatives to medication for ADD/ADHD and I beleive that all other avenues need to be exhausted before resorting to medication.

Check out the following links for more information.

For more about this contact Dr. Dave at 910-395-5066
Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

The Chiropractic Solution to Neck Pain

Neck pain is quite common, and most people simply carry on with their activities of daily living. However, about 5 percent to 10 percent of people develop debilitating symptoms.

Unfortunately, even among those folks who do not have disabling pain, the majority find their neck pain is stubborn and recurrent to some degree.The renewed interest in neck disorders among clinical researchers hasspurred some interesting studies. In the March/April issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), Canadian scientists have shown that arthritis in the neck might affect balance. This could mean that in cases of poor balance or repeatedfalls among the elderly, treatment of the cervical spine might havevalue. This could represent a "top down" strategy, which is a bit different from the "bottom up" approach to balance training morecommonly utilized in rehabilitation. In the February issue of JMPT, a complementary study by New Zealand and Canadian researchers suggested spinal manipulation of the neck can relax muscles in the arms and could be useful in relaxation of the whole body. This implies anything causing tightness in the neck joints also might cause muscle pain in the arms or elsewhere. Since manipulation and manual therapy are primary treatments for neck problems, a doctor of chiropractic should be among the first providers consulted for this type of pain.

So, how fast can a patient with neck pain expect to feel better with chiropractic care? By chance, in the same March issue of JMPT, British authors studied which neck symptoms might respond the quickest to hands-on treatment. Overall, considering all possible neck area complaints, about 70 percent of patients reported immediate favorable responses to manipulation. However, if patients complained about more specific things like headaches, shoulder or arm pain, reduced arm or neck movement, neck pain, or upper or middle back pain, the percentage of those who reported immediate improvement in pain rose to an incredible 95 percent!

The moral to this story is clear: If you're experiencing neck pain and haven't scheduled an appointment with a chiropractor, you're missing the perfect opportunity to resolve your pain.For more great pain solutions visit Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just say NO to HPV Vaccine

I got this from a friend of mine. I'm pretty sure it's straight from and it's worth reading and spreading around.

Is the HPV Vaccine Worth the Risk?

Researchers are finally raising serious questions as to whether the HPV vaccine is really worth the risks involved. An editorial in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) outlines the rising concerns.

First, Gardasil's long-term effectiveness is unclear. And because cervical cancer takes years to develop, critics say the current information is insufficient to determine whether Gardasil works. Then there’s the issue of side effects. FDA records reveal that, since Gardasil's approval, nearly 9,000 girls had adverse side effects after receiving their shots.

If you’ve been a regular reader of my newsletter, you’ll have noticed that each time I cover another article on HPV, the body count for adverse side effects from this vaccine has risen by several hundred or more… For example, on June 24th, I reported there were more than 6,700 adverse effects reported. Two months later, almost to the day, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons state 8,864 reports have been filed.

Folks, this is a major CLUE!

Along with NEJM, the organization Judicial Watch has also published a damaging Special Report about the Gardasil vaccine. Based on records obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), they summarized the approval process, side effects, safety concerns, and marketing practices related to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, calling it a “large-scale public health experiment.”

One of their most startling findings was the incidence of 78 cases of outbreaks of warts following the vaccination in women already infected without knowing it. In addition to genital warts, some women experienced large outbreaks on their face, hands, or feet.
Additionally, Gardasil was found to have an efficacy rate of –44.6% (that’s a minus sign) in women already exposed to the HPV types included in the vaccine!

Judicial Watch also uncovered that Gardasil was tested against an aluminum-containing placebo, rather than a nonreactive saline base, which can make the vaccine appear safer than it actually is – which appears to be the case, if you ask me.

The Insanity Continues

Despite all the risks uncovered and the skyrocketing incident reports of harm, vaccine proponents want to move on to the next frontier: older women, and young boys.
Dr. Raffle, a British cervical cancer specialist said it best: “Oh, dear. If we give it to boys, then all pretense of scientific worth and cost analysis goes out the window.”

I believe the mere suggestion already goes to show that this vaccine is nothing more than a cash-cow, offering little proof of any benefits whatsoever, especially considering how easily cervical cancer can be prevented without it.

-Dr. Dave

Visit Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Monday, September 29, 2008

Just another day at the office...

This is how we adjust patients who are always late for their appointments!

If you are a punctunal person check us out at Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Is Chiropractic Safe?

Chiropractic has been wrongly associated with increased risk of strokes and vertebral artery injury in recent years. This article in the SPINE JOURNAL, which is published by MEDICAL DOCTORS, has said conclusively in January 2008 that-

"A Canadian study indicates there is no increased risk related to chiropractic treatment in the heated debate about whether neck adjustments can trigger a rare type of stroke."

"Researchers say patients are no more likely to suffer a stroke following a visit to a chiropractor than they would after stepping into their family doctor's office."

"...a research paper published in 2001 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found there is only a one-in-5.85-million risk that a chiropractic neck adjustment will cause a stroke."

If you are suffering from back or neck pain, headaches, or other symptom not responding to other types of care, check us out at Russ Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Foods and Inflammation

The new view of inflammation, developed over the past 10 years, is that it is a generalized state within the circulatory and immune system perpetuated by poor diet. The outcome of this is the dietary promotion of arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and most other chronic diseases. We should call this "dietary trauma," as it leads to the development of biochemical changes similar to physical injury. The difference is that, for most people, dietary trauma occurs every time they eat, three or more times each day, every day.In most cases the outcome of dietary trauma is not noticed for years. It takes years to develop arthritis and other chronic diseases, so we don't usually associate a poor diet with disease expression. This allows us to easily deny such an association between diet, inflammation and disease. Thus, developing an awareness or mindfulness about eating is very important to help influence a behavioral change in our eating habits.

Foods That Promote Inflammation

Refined carbohydrates in the form of sugar, sweeteners and flour produce inflammatory responses, as do refined oils, and obese (fatty) meat. A surprise to many is that even whole grains and legumes (beans) can promote inflammation.With the above in mind, consider that the average American consumes about 10 percent of calories from dairy products, 20 percent from refined sugar, 20 percent from refined grains, 20 percent from refined oils and 2 percent from alcohol. The biggest problems clearly are the sugar, grains and oils. Approximately another 20 percent of calories come from obese meat, which is the fatty meat from domestic animals that live a sedentary life in feedlots where they are fed a tonnage of grains/corn instead of grass/pasture. The remaining 10 percent of calories might be fruits and vegetables.

Foods That Prevent Inflammation

A reasonable recommendation is for 80 percent to 100 percent of our calories to come from vegetables, fruit, raw nuts, potatoes, and either lean or omega-3 protein sources including fish, lean meat, skinless chicken, wild game, grass-fed animals and omega-3 eggs. Spices such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, oregano, and the other popular spices are all anti-inflammatory. The best oils/fats to use in moderation are extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil and butter.Our focus should be on correcting the 80 percent of calories that come from sugar, refined grains, oils and obese meat. Worrying about yogurt, the occasional bran muffin, a cup of coffee, etc., has little influence compared to the tsunami of inflammation created by the 80 percent of calories derived from inflammatory foods. Another key to reducing dietary trauma and inflammation is to eat appropriate amounts for your body. In general, overeating leads to an inflammatory response.If you currently snack on bags of inflammation and regularly do "drive-through self-shootings" at fast-food restaurants, you likely will view a life of eating anti-inflammatory foods as somewhat extreme. In actuality, the anti-inflammatory foods described above are not extreme at all and are completely consistent with our biochemical and physiological needs.Assuming 85 percent to 90 percent of your calories are anti-inflammatory, have fun with the remaining 10 percent to 15 percent of calories borne of foods from the dark side. Don't become an anti-inflammatory diet extremist and make eating healthy a stressful event.

For more information go to

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sweet Disgust

The following was written by a colleague of mine in Asheville, NC. Check it out , its scary stuff.

- Dr.

Never base your nutrition information off of commercialism.

Sweetsurprise. com is a disgusting display of advertising diverting your attention from real concerns to promote a dangerous product. The American population is growing sicker and sicker very quickly with each generation. Cheap and efficient manufacturing of processed foods has allowed for unhealthy ingredients to be consumed on a consistent basis. We are what we eat and it is no surprise there is a rise in cardiovascular disorders, immune dysfunction, cancers etc in young populations. Our children are being raised on McDonalds, frozen dinners, popsicles, large amounts of sweetened fruit juice, etc. The easy foods are the most consumed and they are also the most dangerous.

I am absolutely disturbed and disgusted by the recent advertisements purporting high fructose corn syrup as an acceptable food. The fact that they have to defend themselves with these commercials should put up red flags as to why. Below is a copy and paste from their website, with my initial thoughts under each bulletin. One could write a very long report supported by research refuting each bulletin, but I just want to get people thinking and looking for themselves about the truth of such advertisements. The internet is full of information as to why we should avoid these types of ingredients and get back to nature in its most natural form. Not supposed “natural” ingredients, but whole foods, not processed, as close to their original source as we can get them.

Easy foods are dangerous foods. These advertisements are using an emotional appeal to say that these cheap and easy foods are ok so you can justify eating more popsicles, more unhealthy cereals, so on and so forth. Food should be medicinal and feed the cells of the body to make stronger tissues that create better functioning organs for stronger, healthier systems. Our population seems to think foods should all taste like cake and make us feel warm and fuzzy. But our perceptions of what is good taste are skewed by all the nasty substitutes for nature produced for the purpose of quick and cheap manufacturing. High fructose corn syrup is just another substitute pulling us from true nature and helping to weaken our entire population.

High Fructose Corn Quick Facts
• The American Medical Association (AMA) recently concluded that "high fructose corn syrup does not appear to contribute to obesity more than other caloric sweeteners.


Key words here are “more than other caloric sweeteners.” This does not refute that high fructose corn syrup does contribute to obesity. It also does not justify the excessive use of these sweeteners.

• Research confirms that high fructose corn syrup is safe and no different from other common sweeteners like table sugar and honey. All three sweeteners are nutritionally the same.

What is “nutritionally the same”? They must have a very slim definition. Are they talking about calories and ‘sugar’ content? By-products of chemical processing and the change in the structure and thus body’s use of the glucose, fructose, sucrose in these products are not taken into account. You can have two sugars of the same chemical composition but different configurations and one will be a toxin while the other will be bioavailable for use in cellular function.

Raw honey provides additional nutritional content over the artificial and processed sugars. It also lacks the rancidity found in processed corns. It does not come with the additional concerns that accompany genetically-modified corn. Consuming local honey has added benefits to the immune system. High fructose corn syrup and natural unprocessed honey are far far from nutritionally the same.

• High fructose corn syrup has the same number of calories as table sugar and is equal in sweetness. It contains no artificial or synthetic ingredients.

Let’s use another example of no artificial or synthetic ingredients:
Ethylene is the simplest alkene. It is an unsaturated hydrocarbon. It is extremely important in industry and even has a role in biology as a hormone. Ethylene is the most produced organic compound in the world.

Ooooooh, it’s “organic”!!! Actually, organic in this case refers to chemical structure, not agricultural standards.

Ethylene can be produced from natural and nonsynthetic ingredients, ethanol and sulfuric acid. Ethylene is used to make ethylene glycol – a wonderfully sweet substance! Ethylene glycol is antifreeze and will cause renal failure if ingested, BUT it can be processed without any artificial or synthetic ingredients. It can be as sweet as table sugar and I’m sure they could make sure the calories match up.

If you were encouraged to sweeten your drinks and popsicles with ethylene glycol that had the same number of calories as table sugar and with equal sweetness and contains no artificial or synthetic ingredients, would it seem okay??

• The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted high fructose corn syrup "Generally Recognized as Safe" status for use in food, and reaffirmed that ruling in 1996 after thorough review.

There are a large number of substances on this list for various reasons, including artificial preservatives, pesticides, deer musk, shavings of chemicals from packaging, phosphoric acid, caffeine, to name a few. The FDA keeps out substances that will quickly kill people. It does ensure our safety for long-term health. Not to mention, think of all the litigations involving death and life-threatening conditions from drugs the FDA approved and then unapproved. It is a scary thing to put your full trust in the FDA.

• High fructose corn syrup offers numerous benefits. It keeps food fresh, enhances fruit and spice flavors, retains moisture in bran cereals, helps keep breakfast and energy bars moist, maintains consistent flavors in beverages and keeps ingredients evenly dispersed in condiments.

In other words, it a cheap way to make processed foods, keep them on the shelf longer, and make them palatable regardless of how awful they are for the consumer. It is beneficial for cheap manufacturing and high profits.

For more information visit

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

8 drugs Doctors say they would NOT take

I came across an article in which Doctor’s were asked the question, “Which Medications would you skip?” Here’s their response: 

1. Advair - It's asthma medicine that can make your asthma deadly. Advair contains the long-acting beta-agonist (LABA) salmeterol. A 2006 analysis found regular use of LABA’s can increase the severity of an asthma attack. Researchers estimate salmeterol may contribute to as many as 5,000 asthma-related deaths in the United States each year. 

2. Avandia - Diabetes is destructive enough on its own, but if you try to control it with rosiglitazone, better known as Avandia, it could cause a heart attack. A study found that people who took rosiglitazone for at least a year increased their risk of heart failure or a heart attack by 109 percent and 42 percent, respectively. 

3. Celebrex - This painkiller has been linked to increased risks of stomach bleeding, kidney trouble, and liver damage. According to a 2005 study, people taking 200 mg of Celebrex twice a day more than doubled their risk of dying of cardiovascular disease. Those taking 400 mg twice a day more than tripled their risk. 

4. Ketek - This antibiotic, which has traditionally been prescribed for respiratory-tract infections, carries a high risk of severe liver side effects. In February 2007, the FDA limited the usage of Ketek to the treatment of pneumonia. 

5 & 6. Prilosec and Nexium - The FDA has investigated a suspected link between cardiac trouble and these acid-reflux remedies, although they did not find a "likely" connection. Whether this is true or not, they can raise your risk of pneumonia, and result in an elevated risk of bone loss. The risk of a bone fracture has been estimated to be over 40 percent higher in patients who use these drugs long-term. 

7. Visine Original - These eye drops “get the red out” by shrinking blood vessels. Overuse of the active ingredient tetrahydrozoline can perpetuate the vessel dilating-and-constricting cycle and may cause even more redness. 

8. Pseudoephedrine - This decongestant, found in many drugs, can raise blood pressure and heart rate, setting the stage for vascular catastrophe. Over the years, pseudoephedrine has been linked to heart attacks and strokes, as well as worsening the symptoms of prostate disease and glaucoma.